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CROW strats By CROW This guide goes over a general introduction to the fabled CROW strats, its methods, practical uses, and various intricacies. As seen in-game and mentioned on the SuperBossGames discord. In no way is this guide affiliated with the developers and mods of the game Intruder. This guide is merely a glimpse into my delusions of grandeur, results may vary.

CROW In-Game Intruder Category: Achievements, Characters, Classes, Co-op, Crafting, Game Modes, Gameplay Basics, Loot, Maps or Levels, Modding or Configuration, Multiplayer, Secrets, Story or Lore, Trading, Walkthroughs, Weapons, Workshop Languages: English



The First Stage of CROW strats -You wake up and download a funny looking game called Intruder by SuperBossGames. Your journey has just begun. -Go into your first lobby -Get pushed into a corner by your teammates while begging for your life in a strange elevator (professional) until you die -Everybody has cool hats and gun skins -but you don't...


-After your first 5 hours, you find a cool guy with a giant eye for a head who shows you how balance and energy works, ragdolling and such -He's such a cool dude, you want to be like this absolute chad of a player -but he leaves, and you didn't friend him in time... -You never see him again... -Don the same eye hat your first and last mentor wore, in his memory -Spend your time in a catatonic state, shambling from lobby to lobby, accumulating xp. LUST Edit -People really like your giant eyeball -People Make jokes about your giant eyeball -People shoot you in your giant eyeball -People love your giant eyeball -People would do ANYTHING for your giant eyeball -Die repeatedly because your giant eyeball is the size of your mom and not very good for stealth -Use this attention to influence how matches are played out, usually by messing with the "democratic" map voting system, and telling people to rush straight into the other team's spawn -Everyone loves you, and you love them


-Find out what bananas are -These things are pretty neat -Use them to your advantage

-Lure people into a room -banana them. -make your teammates watch in horror as you use your CROW strats to infinitely produce more bananas GREED Edit -There's more than meets the eye in this game -There's a special magic that comes from ragdolling -Abuse this mechanic by ragdolling into odd corners and bodies -clip through certain walls like a boss and fly through the air, usually resulting in your death -But this use of ragdolling is unfair, so you must shoot yourself in the foot and do things the correct way -rag doll jump onto impossible places like a boss -die anyway ANGER Edit -Sometimes, when you /bloodyeye 1, you find out that hats aren't allowed in this room. -That's so dumb, but its the only populated server ... -You know what to do, use your CROW strats, obliterate the opposition, show these casuals what happens when they strip you of the only item that has any meaning to you -You are praised by your teammates, then banned from the room because of the moaning noises you make -You are angry


-You love intruder, but you need more power -Worship those forbidden gods who you swore to destroy -Strengthen your CROW strats

but at what cost? VIOLENCE Edit -These foolish guards -They don't get it -Not at all -Use your CROW strats to disperse of them -Realize that you have stopped going for network hacks and have only gone for guard kills -You are a monster, who has lost all reason. -But you still have your friends -They love you -and you love them FRAUD Edit -Think back to your old mentor -You're nothing like him -You still teach new players the ropes, but you corrupt them with your CROW strats -What have I become TREACHERY Edit -In a fit of madness -On the same map you started on your first match of Intruder -You snap -You use your CROW strats on your teammates ... ... ... -None survive -They can't hurt you anymore ... -Among the bodies, you realize that one of the names looks familiar -You ponder... -It was your old mentor, on the mountain of broken bodies you have created ... -You are become CROW

Summary Edit Thanks for looking at my guide! I hope these neat tips and tricks help you become a better and more knowledgeable player! Remember to treat your peers kindly and remember to take a break once and a while. CROW loves you :>